Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Build a genuine connection

Build a genuine connection. Motivate and inspire through relationships, story, and the true essence of you. People will work for less money in order to work for people they admire and respect. Unfortunately, many no longer allow time to build a genuine connection. At the heart of it, all people want, is to be seen and validated for who they are. This is where the fullness of life ignites! One of the best way to create and expand is through relationships with others. Look for the spark. When speaking with them, when do they light up? When do you light up? Target the key inspiration. Really look for what flows naturally. Then build a genuine connection that motivates, validates, and inspires. Do you know the #1 motivation behind any decision that is ever made? Every decision made each and every day, is based upon the motivation that by doing it, you believe you will feel better. When you make others feel good, you build a relationship which will result in long term benefits. Use this to help motivate and inspire those around you. Look to where you gravitate to relax and enjoy. Those places provide the key to expansion and feeling better. Everyone loves experiencing beauty. What better way to create beauty, then to build a genuine connection and then romance them with the inspiration and emotion behind your connection. Take them on an emotional sensorial journey. Let them experience the essence of life through the discoveries you share. Inspire them with the crystal clear clarity that true connection brings to life. Make them want be a part of it all, because there is nothing more satisfying or decadent then a genuine connection with another.

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