Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Pressure to know what you want

There are so many times that I get frustrated because I want to know what I want or what is the absolute best choice for me. I put a lot of pressure on myself to do "IT" right.....whatever that may be. Sometimes it feels impossible to define what I want.

It is not always about knowing exactly what you want. When you understand that just by identifying that you don’t want something, you have identified on some level what you do want. You don’t have to try so hard to find what you want. You already know on a deep level. All you have to do is relax, be happy, and be open to receiving what flows your way.

This is not to be confused with focusing on what you don't want. It is only to say that when you recognize something is not what you want, you automatically are identifying what you do want. The key is to then remove your focus from the don't and only focus on positive good feeling things. Once you accomplish that, all you need to do is know that the right things for you are on their way and be ready to receive them.

How great is that!!!

Monday, May 6, 2013

If it feels is!

Everything we do in life
we do because we believe it will make us feel better.

So in everything you do big or small
first pause to consider, what will make me feel my best.
That is the path you should choose.

Imagine if we always chose
what made us feel our best.
We would continually be growing and flowing
into a better and happier life.

If it feels is!