Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The pain that drives you

To get you to your chosen path you have to lead the way.
The things that hurt we can't avert they're they're going to have their say.
Look into your biggest fear and know that there's a reason.
So feel the pain, go against the grain and know that it's a season.
In Fall the leaves fall to the ground and soon become decay.
In winter life is buried deep but soon will have it's say.
In Spring the rain will cleanse the ground and bring about rebirth.
In summer life is bursting forth bringing life to all the earth.
The world it has it's seasons, and so do you and me
We're here to feel and learn and grow, giving birth to harmony.

The pain that your afraid of is fuel to light the fire
It's all the things you need to hear to fill you with desire.
Desire to reach a higher path with joy and harmony.
Desire to feel that love abounds bringing love to all you see.

So listen to the pain you have, it will drive you from within.
The things you've learned you've had to earn and know that you will win!
A higher path is here for all, no need to push or shove
Just look into the pain you feel and give it lots of love!

Louise Hays has a great affirmation, "The past has no power over me. I release the past and I am free to live in love fully in the present."

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