Friday, December 20, 2013
There will always be a beginning, a middle, and an end. The beginning is easy to love. This is where you discover and define your desire. The possibility of what might be is tantalizing and exciting. It awakens so many positive feelings. This is where dreams live. It inspires and incites more..
People tend to get lost in the middle. They try so hard to make their dreams come true. It is in the trying that we may become lost and confused. In focusing on the wanting we create the not. The middle is about ease and joy. It is the time to enjoy the ride. It is the time to let what you desire be born. It is not the time to force and dictate. This is the time to focus on the things you love and dream big. .
The end is interesting because there never is an end. Once you reach what you thought was the end, your perspective changes and now you experience a drive to want to do it again and better. In this sense you will never get it done or cross everything off your list. We are made to create, to want more. Once we reach our destination we are inspired to begin another journey..
This is the circle of creation. We are creators. We have the power to create our own world. That is what we are here to do. It's what we love doing. The journey was meant to be and made to be fun. The secret is to listen to your feelings. You can never go wrong when you listen with your heart because no one knows you better than yourself..
Everything that happens in your life is meant to define what you desire even more strongly than it was before. You can reflect on any situation and discover the desire that has grown from the experience. Combining a strong desire with pure joy is the quickest way to achieve success.
Sunday, December 8, 2013
Something More
Never be afraid of where you are and where you stand. Everything in life changes and you are the maestro that creates the master piece. This life is yours and it will be what you make of it. Only limiting thoughts can keep you from becoming something more, something bigger, something better. Release the limiting thoughts that hold you back and revel in the things that bring you joy.
Saturday, December 7, 2013
It's about playing. It's about having fun. It's about inspiring others to do more be more. It's about getting that feeling of relief through co-creation, because once you've achieved your goal you have nowhere to go but up. You can't stay where you are because life is about change life is about wanting more and once you've reached your destination, your perspective changes, and now you're again wanting something different, something better, something new, something more, and how great is that! You're now off on another ride. Riding the wave of life. You are now creating more and how fun is that!! And doesn't it feel good to be the one that inspires the change, which brings that growth to you and to others!!
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Pressure to know what you want
There are so many times that I get frustrated because I want to know what I want or what is the absolute best choice for me. I put a lot of pressure on myself to do "IT" right.....whatever that may be. Sometimes it feels impossible to define what I want.
It is not always about knowing exactly what you want. When you understand that just by identifying that you don’t want something, you have identified on some level what you do want. You don’t have to try so hard to find what you want. You already know on a deep level. All you have to do is relax, be happy, and be open to receiving what flows your way.
This is not to be confused with focusing on what you don't want. It is only to say that when you recognize something is not what you want, you automatically are identifying what you do want. The key is to then remove your focus from the don't and only focus on positive good feeling things. Once you accomplish that, all you need to do is know that the right things for you are on their way and be ready to receive them.
How great is that!!!
Monday, May 6, 2013
If it feels is!
Everything we do in life
we do because we believe it will make us feel better.
So in everything you do big or small
first pause to consider, what will make me feel my best.
That is the path you should choose.
Imagine if we always chose
what made us feel our best.
We would continually be growing and flowing
into a better and happier life.
If it feels is!
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Learning from others
When looking to others to learn your own way
It's always important to hear what they say.
The thing to remember is they are not you
So they will not know what really is true.
They have good insight and things you can learn
But you are the one that stands at the stern.
The perspective you have, brings the things that you need.
Be open and happy, the answer is lead.
Lead your own life, just be who you are
And then you will know, you shine like a star.
It's always important to hear what they say.
The thing to remember is they are not you
So they will not know what really is true.
They have good insight and things you can learn
But you are the one that stands at the stern.
The perspective you have, brings the things that you need.
Be open and happy, the answer is lead.
Lead your own life, just be who you are
And then you will know, you shine like a star.
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
This life that we live is one that we make
Don't worry and fuss if you make a mistake.
All things are given; you can start where you are,
It's not a long journey; you won’t have to go far.
Quiet your mind, and listen with your heart
Feel grateful and joy; it's the best place to start.
Don't worry and fuss if you make a mistake.
All things are given; you can start where you are,
It's not a long journey; you won’t have to go far.
Quiet your mind, and listen with your heart
Feel grateful and joy; it's the best place to start.
feel grateful,
long journey,
You are where you are, it's good to be you
Wherever you are, is where you should be.
Joy is the answer to all that you see.
So many work hard, they push and they shove
They try to force answers that come from above.
Look to the things that bring joy to your life
This world is not meant to be filled up with strife.
All things you want are meant to be yours
You just have to ask, to begin opening doors.
Now feel all the good that is coming to you.
Be happy and anticipate it really is true.
Joy is the answer when you look deep within.
Find the good things, then you know you will win.
from above,
good things,
opening doors,
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Conscious Creation
If all that you know is really not real,
You've learned what you are is all that you feel.
Get out of your head and into your heart,
That's always the very best place to start.
Take deep breaths, breathe in and out,
Remember there is no need to shout.
The things that have happened are things that you made,
So consciously choose your path unafraid.
The power that you have, is more than you know,
So dig deep within and create your own show.
You've learned what you are is all that you feel.
Get out of your head and into your heart,
That's always the very best place to start.
Take deep breaths, breathe in and out,
Remember there is no need to shout.
The things that have happened are things that you made,
So consciously choose your path unafraid.
The power that you have, is more than you know,
So dig deep within and create your own show.
Friday, March 8, 2013
Love and Gratitude
We're all here on purpose. We chose who we are and what we are for a reason. Together we form a greater whole. Everyone's life makes a difference if you take the time to live in love and gratitude.
Have you ever thought about a blade of grass and its reason reason for being? What's its purpose? Roots to strength the hillside to keep it from eroding, to enrich the soil and create life, to nourish animals, and to create beauty. A blade of grass is small and yet has a big impact. If even a blade of grass has the power to change the world why wouldn't you?
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Muddled and Confused
When things get muddled and confused, you cannot find your way.
Just stop and ask for help, then listen to what they say.
The answers you are given, may not always be so clear
Another may have seen what you should be holding dear.
Your highest good is what you seek, expect nothing but the best.
Another may have noticed that what you really need is rest.
Time to stop and smell the flowers and listen to the source.
Confusion generally comes when you are using to much force.
Be open to the universe it will cover all you needs.
Just trust in where you come from, then follow where it leads.
highest good,
holding dear,
what they say
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
When asked to define what success is, what does it mean to you?
Is it about the things you have or about the things you do?
The things you have can come and go they have no real value.
The things you do just need to be true, with love that's coming from you.
Success is such a tricky thing, some measure from without.
But real success is helping another, it doesn't need to shout.
Monday, February 25, 2013
Who we really are
In the silence of the soul we discover who we really are.
It's in this quiet place we meet the sleeping angel
waiting patiently to be called into being.
When will your angel hear your call?
In the silence of the soul we discover who we really are.
It's in this quiet place that love is all there is.
When will you live from love?
In the silence of the soul we discover who we really are.
It's in this quiet place that miracles are real.
When will miracles become your reality?
In the silence of the soul we discover who we really are.
It's in this quiet place that we all exist.
Choose to wake the angel, live from love, and bring miracles to life everyday.
quiet place,
who you really are,
Friday, February 22, 2013
Just breathe
Just breathe...
when all the world is turning and churning
When everything just doesn't seem to be right.
Just breathe...
when darkness seems to win all the battles
And craziness is the word of the day.
Just breathe...
When fear has wrapped you in sorrow
And sadness creeps out from hidden corners.
Just breathe...
Release, relax, reconnect with the source
Monday, February 18, 2013
The path of love

The past it has no power over me.
I now begin to set it free.
Today's the day to create new life.
My thoughts will be no longer of strife.
Good things will come, they're on their way.
Prepare yourself for a brand new day.
To those who seek the path of love
the help will come straight from above.
Be open and true, stand up for what's right.
You'll know the time to put up a fight.
A new day is coming. The future is true.
The way to bring happiness all starts with you.
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Peace is the kingdom you find deep within.
Then anger and hatred no longer will win.
Connect to the source to know what is right.
Just ask and be open to get your insight.
With harmony and love all things will heal,
especially when you learn they're not real.
These things are illusions that cause lots of pain.
Let go of the reasons there's so much to gain.
Release the illusions and go deep within.
The peace that you feel is how you will win.
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Humans are intriguing, complex, and stunningly beautiful.
We are all human. We play so many parts, in so many ways,denying the essence of our being until we discover the
unadulterated acceptance of all we are.
Let it go
Let it go....
like drops of rain
running down the street or
blowing in the wind.
Let it go....
like rivers flowing
to the sea or
down the mountains edge.
Let it go....
like anger pouring
from your lips and tears
on salty cheeks.
Just let it go....
The world is made to live in love
....Just let it go.
The Voice
You're the voice in my head
when the sun kisses the sky,
when the rain beats down,
when snow gently flits to the ground.
You're the voice in my head
that brings light to the day,
that dries the tears from my eyes,
that brings heat to places others left cold.
You're the voice in my head....and I never want it to stop.
“You must train your intuition. You must trust the small voice inside which tells you exactly what to say, what to decide.” –Ingrid Bergman
Follow your instincts. That’s where true wisdom manifests itself. -Oprah Winfrey
grief stages,
Ingrid Bergman,
inspiration quotes,
Oprah Winfrey,
self help book,
strength quotes,
the inspiration,
the voice,
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Three little monkeys dancing with the stars,
looking for the brightest one and one that's very far.
Each one chose their favorite one and did a little spin.
They love to twirl and dance about, they do it with a grin.
And now the night is getting deep the monkeys fall asleep.
They fall into a tired pile and do not make a peep.
They're happy when their mommy's home and all their world's in place.
There's nowhere else they'd rather be then dancing out in space.
childrens story,
grief stages,
inspiration quotes,
self help book,
strength quotes,
the inspiration
In the darkness they come creeping
twisted words no longer sleeping.
Evil thoughts with dread do take
to break your heart and sadness make.
You wish for one to show the light
to take the dark and make it right.
It seems that he is not to come
so you can be no longer numb.
Don't look without the answers here
just look inside and have no fear.
Don't be the one that waits around
your heart is where it will be found.
Saturday, February 2, 2013
I will be there
I will be there....
In the blink of an eye
In the catch of your breath
I will be there
When the road less taken leaps forward.
You carry the warmth of the sun,
The shimmer of moon light,
And the essence of morning dew.
You are the water and I am the gentle wind Caressing your face.
Together we form the mist that wakes the dawn.
Like a breath between two stars I whispered your name.
Like the velvet touch of a lingering promise I whispered your name.
Like the firefly who no longer burns you whispered mine.....
I whispered your name to the drought filled desert and brought rain to a forgotten land.
So fill your heart with joy and love, not things that you have bought.
True joy will only come to you when love's the path you chose.
So live your life with an open heart and lots of gratitude.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Uniquely Beautiful
Cold and clear crystals drifting gently to bathe the world in a blanket, quietly bringing new life to all they touch. Each is unique yet created in the same way, much the same as humans. The beauty and new life that they bring is inside us all. The key is to remember to see the beauty and connect.
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
The pain that drives you
To get you to your chosen path you have to lead the way.
The things that hurt we can't avert they're they're going to have their say.
Look into your biggest fear and know that there's a reason.
So feel the pain, go against the grain and know that it's a season.
In winter life is buried deep but soon will have it's say.
In Spring the rain will cleanse the ground and bring about rebirth.
In summer life is bursting forth bringing life to all the earth.
The world it has it's seasons, and so do you and me
We're here to feel and learn and grow, giving birth to harmony.
The pain that your afraid of is fuel to light the fire
It's all the things you need to hear to fill you with desire.
Desire to reach a higher path with joy and harmony.
Desire to feel that love abounds bringing love to all you see.
So listen to the pain you have, it will drive you from within.
The things you've learned you've had to earn and know that you will win!
A higher path is here for all, no need to push or shove
Just look into the pain you feel and give it lots of love!
Louise Hays has a great affirmation, "The past has no power over me. I release the past and I am free to live in love fully in the present."
Louise Hays has a great affirmation, "The past has no power over me. I release the past and I am free to live in love fully in the present."
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Power of pain
These things that you're feeling you've hidden so deep.
You're worried that someday they might start to creep.
Buried deep behind walls and boxes so tight,
These things you want hidden will put up a fight.
They're here to teach lessons and give you your power.
Don't keep them all hidden locked up in a tower.
Your pain is your fuel to ignite from within
To push you to heights where you never have been.
Gabrielle Bernstein defines fear: False Evidence, Appearing, Real.

To think with your heart and not with your head,
You fear that you might just wake up dead.
The issue is your heart knows the way
It knows exactly just what to say.
It's not about thinking, though the brain know a lot.
It's all about feeling, just give it a shot.
To feel is to manifest all that is yours.
So listen to your heart it will open the doors.
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