Tuesday, September 1, 2015


Quote: There are no limits to your ability to create. Deliberately create with another to gain success~ Tip: What are you choosing to create? Within the seed of your creation is everything necessary to blossom to fulfillment. You are the one that inspires its creation. What seed are you planting? Why are you planting that seed? How are you investing in its growth? How will everyone feel before, during and after? Through co-creation with the team we build relationships, gain ownership, and drive success.


Quote: Imagination is more important than Knowledge~ Albert Einstein Tip: Those that dare to dream achieve greater triumphs than others ever believed were possible. It is through imagination and dreams that growth occurs. Dare to dream and take those you touch with you. Journey bravely and joyously as you reach for the stars.


Quote: In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can~ Nikos Kazantzakis Tip: A belief is only a thought you continue to think; and when your beliefs match your desires, then your desires must become your reality. Dare to make your dreams a reality.


Quote: “Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. The sun’s rays do not burn until brought to a focus.”~ Alexander Graham Bell Tip: You create with your focus. Do you create by default or intent? Your focus brings growth. Your focus builds importance. Your focus should also bring fun. Where is your attention focused?

name on the jersey

Quote: “My responsibility is getting all my players playing for the name on the front of the jersey, not the one on the back.”~ basketball quote unknown author Tip: If we think and achieve as a team, the wins will take care of themselves. Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships How are you creating a united team that is passionate and joyfully represents life?


Quote: “More than what you do, people respond to the passion with which you do it.” Tip: Now is the time to “Reflect and Play.” Great achievements are a combination of desire, goals, focus, and execution. Help yourself and others to recall and reclaim the passion for what you’re doing that they felt when they dreamed it into existence.


Quote: “Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.” ~ Harriet Tubman Tip: What is your dream for the future? Wwhat about your dream for today? Start general with the dream of success. Then follow the path that feels the best in accomplishing it. Maybe it feels best to find the wins and celebrate them with others. Maybe it feels best to plan a detailed strategy to achieve your dream. Maybe it feels best to stop doing what you are doing and try a different path. When you focus your intent on the dream of success and not only think it, but expect it to happen; success will surely follow. Remember, think beyond the conventional.


Quote: The secret of change is to focus all of your energy on building the new and celebrating success along the way. ~ Tip: Celebrating achievements and applauding triumphs is a sure way to refuel enthusiasm and build motivation for future endeavors. So celebrate what has been accomplished and then raise the bar a little higher each time you succeed. For in recognizing, reinforcing, and challenging your success, it will continue to expand.


Quote: Nothing is an obstacle unless you say it is. ~ Wally Amos Tip: Perception is reality, so create the story you want to experience and inspire the ability to achieve it. Tell the story, build the dream, create, inspire, and motivate everyone you touch.


Quote: Adaptability is about the powerful difference between adapting to cope and adapting to win. ~ Max McKeown Tip: Benjamin Franklin said, "When you're finished changing, you're finished." I believe he was referring to stagnation as an almost mini-death. It is impossible to stay the same. Even in death there is change, growth, and expansion. We can choose to change with the times, take advantage of new opportunities, and grow where it makes sense. It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change. Remember, you will always find the positive when you look for it and out of some of the richest “fertilizer” comes the biggest growth. Keep believing and keep achieving!

worth doing

Quote: Anything that gets your blood racing is probably worth doing. ~ Hunter S. Thompson Tip: Passion is known to move you beyond yourself, beyond your limitations, beyond your failures. It ignites and inspires success. When you can’t figure out the way, figure out your passion for in doing so you have found the road that leads to victory. Take the time to truly connect with yourself and others. Find out what motivates and drives each other. Use your passion to insight each other and watch the fires of success grow.

Recognize, Reinforce, Challenge

Quote: Recognize, Reinforce, Challenge! Tip: Success is what happens when you allow yourself to recognize the good things that are happening. There will always be a victory to celebrate when you take the time to look for it. Nothing motivates and reinforces behavior in others more than celebrating who they are and how their unique gifts have made them successful. Take the time to shine a light on yourself and others. Then challenge each other by raising the bar a little each time. Tell the story, build the dream, create, inspire, and motivate everyone you touch.

a single candle

Quote: Go forth and set the world on fire!!! ~ St. Ignatius of Loyola Tip: Thousands of candles can be ignited by a single candle. No matter the size of the candle, it yields the same brightness. Keep shining your light. In doing so you will bring life and rekindle the flame in those that are fading around you. Let’s keep our teams focused on wins and opportunities. Help light the path ahead by telling the story, building the dream, create, inspire, and motivate everyone you touch.

one acorn

Quote: The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn!!! ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson Tip: As Ayn Rand says, “Creation comes before distribution or there will be nothing to distribute.” It is not how big you are. It is not how much you have. It is what you choose to create. Learn to see and speak only from success. Tell the story you want others to speak. Build the dream to which you want others to aspire. Success is not something you find. It is something you create.

favorite place

Quote: Before it’s your favorite place, it’s a place you’ve never been. ~ Tip: Albert Einstein once said, “The one who follows the crowd will usually get no further than the crowd. The one who walks alone, is likely to find himself in places that no one has ever been.“ We are walking alone. We march to the beat of own drum. We aspire to be true to the path we choose only listening to our own counsel, letting no one sway us. We are talented, creative, successful people. We must be willing to do something we have never done before to get to where we have never been before. Let’s use our imagination and intelligence to create a new story for who we are, what we expect, and the experience we will have in life. How creative can we be in sharing genuine love and admiration to others? Use the gift of appreciation. Find the things that truly make others light up. Recognize their success. Be playful in reinforcing and challenging them. Tell the story you want others to speak. Build the dream to which you want others to aspire. Success is not something you find. It is something you create. Create, inspire, and motivate everyone you touch.

journey of joy

Quote: Success follows where joy lives. ~ Tip: Success is a journey of joy. Pay attention to what makes you smile. What do you and those around you do that enhance happiness? These are the quickest pathways to success. How can you make the pathway brighter? Learning to see where you’re going is about discovering the pathway that feels good. Then recognize, reinforce, and challenge each other to have more fun, more appreciation, more success! It’s the little wins that lead to bigger wins, which blossom into success! Tell the story you want others to speak. Build the dream to which you want others to aspire. Success is something you create. Create, inspire, and motivate everyone you touch.