Saturday, October 11, 2014
Find one thing and bask in the appreciation and beauty of it.
Find one thing and celebrate that it exists.
Find one thing and revel that it is in your life.
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
When you can't change the direction of the wind,then learn to adjust your focus. Look to the things you enjoy, such as the feel of the wind on your skin. It is through appreciation and focus on the positive that our circumstances will grow into conditions that we love.
Monday, September 22, 2014
Spirit Alignment
It is through our beliefs that we create the circumstances of our lives. By choosing a negative perspective we move ourselves out of alignment with source.
The Ego is the mediator between self and source. In feeling the need to protect or be defensive/offensive of ourselves we have identified that we are out of alignment with source.
Living in a feeling of relief allows you to be in alignment with source. When in alignment with source there is no need to defend or discredit anyone’s beliefs.
I think that it isn't about offensive and defensive or right and wrong. I believe it is about how aligned we are with spirit. Everyone has their own path to alignment and one path doesn't make another path wrong. Each person's path is created to be exactly what they need to expand and grow, which makes it their perfect path for expansion.
If we all look to a feeling of relief then we will create a diverse, peaceful, fulfilling life.
Witness another experience excellence and live in the fullness of their spirit.
Witness another experience the unbridled passion of all they are.
Feel the pure joy expanding and absorb the inspiration to which you aspire.
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
When it’s hard to hold on and others drag you down,
When you feel like you’re nowhere and never will be found.
Look to what you’re thinking and decide to start anew.
Things will start to change if that is what you do.
Sunday, September 7, 2014
The Next Part of the Journey
It's hard when someone we love is preparing for the next part of their journey. But that is what you need to remember, it is only the next part of the journey. Energy transforms it doesn't disappear. We all reach a time when it is time to transition into the next phase of our lives.
What's special about a pet is that they do not fear the transition. They are balanced and centered. They meet the next step with peace and ease. They are a great example of living in the fullness of spirit. We are blessed to be a part of their lives and to experience the examples they set.
We never feel better than when we wake up and are able to maintain the sense of peace and relaxation we were experiencing while we slept. The beauty you are projecting is a direct result of your ability to hold on to those positive feelings. You are beautiful inside and out.
Saturday, September 6, 2014
Throughout my life I have had the opportunity to experience and to speak with others about the loss of a loved one. It's hard when someone we love is preparing for the next part of their journey. But that is what you need to remember, it is only the next part of the journey. Energy transforms it doesn't disappear. We all reach a place when it is time to transition into the next phase of our lives.
Pets provide an opportunity to experience death in a softer way. Pets allow us to experience unconditional love and that includes death. Animals live in a balanced centered place. They do not naturally live in a state of separation and fear. Therefore they do not fear the transition of death. They meet the next step with peace and ease. They are a great example of living in the fullness of spirit. We are blessed to be a part of their lives and to experience the examples they set.
Right or Wrong
Everyone thinks that their beliefs are right and true. So it’s not really about who has it right or who has it wrong. It’s really about how aligned you are with yourself and your feelings of relief and joy.
Friday, September 5, 2014
Looking in the looking glass the reflection has changed. Not an altogether unpleasant change, but definitely altered from the past. Defining the difference is difficult and the desire to express it elusive. There is strength but strength has always been there. There is beauty but that too has been long lived. Something has altered; quiet maturities, an understanding, a change in perspective, a settling into the life you are creating.
You are everything that you have ever wanted to be and more.
You came into this life with everything that you need to create the life you want.
You have within you the tools you need to be successful, no matter how you define success.
You are born to brilliance. You intuitively know what you want and how to create it.
You start your life focused on self, the feelings of relief and joy, and the desire to create more.
Your emotions indicate how aligned you are with your true self.
Following feelings of relief lead to positive emotion and better alignment with self.
Separation from self leads to negative emotion and separation from self.
It is impossible to disconnect from self because we are one.
Separation of self is only pinching off the full flow of self.
When you look to external influences to fulfill your purpose, separation from self occurs.
When you stumble, you are not off path; you are choosing a different path.
Life is eternally expanding. It is impossible to stay the same.
Once you reach your objective your perspective changes. You expand and create a new desire.
To achieve your desire you must be in a state of allowing.
A state of allowing is achieved by focusing on self and the feelings of relief and joy.
Do what you love, listen to your emotions, and life will fall into place.
In the words of Meher Baba……DON’T WORRY, BE HAPPY!
life lessons,
Meher Baba,
Monday, July 21, 2014
The journey begins when you make the decision to relax into relief. Are you listening to your internal GPS? Are your emotions guiding you? Are you feeling your way into your path with joy or are you trying to dictate the way with no true knowledge of the right course?
Does another’s perception matter more than the compass that your heart designs? The course you take can never be wrong, but the journey is more fun when you allow yourself the freedom to feel the joy through a journey of the heart.
Monday, May 5, 2014
Life is in the details
When someone chooses between paths like living in the mountains versus the desert or going out versus staying home, is there sudden chaos, desolation and heartache for the path not chosen? Or is there elation, jubilation, and euphoria for the infinite possibilities that lie ahead? Take the time to celebrate the decisions you make every day be they big or small. Life is in the details, learn to see and appreciate them.
Thursday, April 17, 2014
People would rather be entertained than informed. If so, then to inform in an entertaining manner would seem to be the most effective mode of conveying information, even information of great personal value. Strive to bring fun, knowledge, and passion to everything you do throughout the day and in return life will bring fun and success to you.
living in celebration
Today I came across an email that I had filed away. It was a simple heartfelt email (thank you Karen). In the email she reflected on the things I had done that were important to her, but were also important to me. She praised me for things that I do because they come naturally to me, they’re instinctual. Because they are instinctual, I love to do them. I do them without thinking and I take pride in doing them well. After reading the email I noticed how I was feeling. Inspired, proud, happy, and oddly at peace..
There is nothing better than living in celebration. Whether you are receiving or giving praise, happiness follows. When was the last time you took time to tell the people surrounding you how much you truly value and appreciate them? It’s time to dig a little deeper and to inspire others. .
How many people can you inspire, validate, or celebrate today?
Sunday, April 6, 2014
Sometimes just when you think you really understand something, something happens to make you realize you don’t understand it at all. One moment things are fantastic, and then the next suddenly everything falls apart. You were elated and joyful and now you are anxious and fearful. .
What do you do when that happens? It’s perfectly normal to have a strong negative response when you’re faced with a challenging situation. It’s not your initial response that sets the tone; it’s what you do with it later that has a lasting effect. .
Once the initial surprise is over are you talking on and on about all of the bad things that might happen? Are those words making you feel better or worse? If you continue to focus on the negative you cannot move into the resolution and feel better. Remember it is always your goal to find a better feeling place. Your only objective is to try to approach the situation in a way that makes you feel better than you felt when you were in the midst of the negative situation. .
• Option 1:
* You’re feeling particularly proud of the dinner you prepared for your family. Your daughter refuses to eat the dinner you worked so hard to prepare. You could respond by being angry and hurt. You might start thinking about all of the things you don’t like about her or her behavior. Then later escalate to, I’m never making her dinner again. When you take this route doesn’t it make you feel even worse?.
• Option 2:
*You’re feeling particularly proud of the dinner you prepared for your family. Your daughter refuses to eat the dinner you worked so hard to prepare. You could choose to respond another way. Such as “Wow, this is unusual. She seems like she may have had a rough day. She’s usually so thoughtful and notices the effort I put into doing nice things for her. I really like that she typically has a bright sunny out look on life. I like the way she is thoughtful and kind. I like that even though she didn't enjoy the dinner I created, she made sure not to say bad things about it. I’m sure she will feel better in the morning.” When you take this route doesn’t it make you feel better than option 1?.
We cannot control conditions but we can control the way we feel and what we choose to give our attention to.
Thursday, April 3, 2014
Deliberately Create Joy
Throughout the day you are faced with a multitude of positive and negative situations (AKA: contrast). Big and small contrast arise at every turn. The trick is to purposefully select the best feeling option; to make a deliberate decision to bring a sense of FUN to all activities in which you participate. How are you creating fun throughout the day? .
Take the time before you act to decide how you would like the next step to feel. Then move in the direction of the best feeling possible. In that moment you will be taking the first step to deliberately creating the Joyous Life you deserve.
Conditions vs Happiness
When your happiness depends on what somebody else does or does not do, you’re trapped, because you cannot control what they think or what they do. You will only discover true freedom when you realize that your joy does not depend on anyone else. Your joy only depends on what you choose to give your attention to. .
In every aspect of the living world there will always be that which is wanted and that which is not. In every person, in every place, in every situation, in every moment those choices are always there. The idea is not to look for the perfect place where only things you want exist. The idea is to look for things you want in every place. You will feel better and you will begin to notice things you want to see. Then more of those things become part of your life. .
Most people think that they must first find the perfect conditions, and once they find those perfect conditions, then they can respond by being happy. That is very frustrating to people, because they discover very quickly that they cannot control the conditions. It’s not about finding the perfect conditions. It’s about choosing things to appreciate. The more you find things to appreciate, the better you will feel, and more things to appreciate will keep flowing into your life. This in turn creates the joyful world that you have been so desperately seeking to find so that you could be happy..
Make the decision not to wait for the perfect conditions to be happy. Decide to look for things to appreciate and be happy now.
Saturday, March 8, 2014
It's amazing to me how easy it is to get caught up fighting the current. When you look around, how many are fighting and fighting? Are working so hard to hold onto something that they are afraid to lose. Are coming from a place of fear on a regular basis. Wouldn't it be easier to go with the flow and know that all that is coming to you is exactly what you need to get to a better place? When you relax and learn to follow what feels the best, you then allow something better to enter your life. .
When a lover leaves or a job is lost that you loved and wanted to keep, you might be thinking how can this be right. They or it was the best thing that ever happened to me. There must be a mistake. I'm going to fight for this, but no matter what you do, you lose it. Most of the time you lose it because you lost yourself along the way. At some point you put something besides yourself first. When this happens, failure is sure to follow. Just as you're instructed during an airplane safety briefing, you must put on your own oxygen mask first. If you don't, you may not make it and you may not be able to help anyone else..
Imagine how much you've learned from the experience. You must make yourself a priority and bring your true self to all that you do. You will start fresh with the knowledge that every relationship or job should feature your true self following what feels best. In this way your life will only get better..
Doesn't that bring you a feeling of relief just by thinking about it? Image how wonderful it will be when you allow it to occur on a regular basis.
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